9292230891 (pbk.) | ชื่อเรื่อง |
Getting girls out of work and into school : Policy brief / Chief Editor : Caroline Haddad | ครั้งที่พิมพ์ |
2nd ed. | พิมพลักษณ์ |
Bangkok : UNESCO, 2008. | รูปเล่ม |
19 p. ; 21 cm | บทคัดย่อ |
Summary: Records show that school enrollment for girls is still lagging behind in some areas in the Asia and Pacific region, which poses challenge for the region to achieve Education for All (EFA) by 2015. And girls' labor in the Asia and Pacific region continues to constitute a major obstacle towards gender parity in education, another EFA target. Girls' labor is often hidden, unvalued and uncounted. Girls involved as household and commercial labor, are often exposed to abuse and exploitation. And both poverty and the tradition that women are generally low in status contribute to female child employment. This brief summarizes the causes and consequences of girls' child labor on their educational opportunities and describes some of the instruments and strategies to get girls into school. It also provides case examples from India and the Philippines, in order to assist policy makers and practitioners to better understand and address the issues. It is important to obtain credible data on girls' child labor in order to stop it from happening. Policy makers are urged to take measures and inter-sectoral efforts, not only to stop female child labor, but also to facilitate education for girls in a safe and protected environment. A list of useful web sites, papers, and publications is included. | หัวเรื่อง |
child labour | หัวเรื่อง |
educational policy | หัวเรื่อง |
Girls education | หัวเรื่อง |
Education and state | ผู้แต่งร่วม |
Haddad, Caroline | สารบัญ |
Content |